AMS Initiative

Our Certified Anthroposophic Physicians have been working with different impulses sprouted from Anthroposophic insights.

Dr.Lakshmi Prasanna has taken this wisdom to bridge health and education through various training programs for Teachers, Parents and Organisations worldwide.

Dr. Swapna Narendra, Dr. Veera Panch and Dr. Malarvizhi Periaswamy are working through the wisdom of curative education. Dr. Swapna  has been mentoring Schools in  School health, Dr.Veera Panch, being a certified Rhythmic Massage therapist and Certified Mistletoe therapist has been adding more quality in her working with Neurological and Oncological cases. Dr. Malarvizhi has been certified in Art therapy too.

Dr. Harihara Murty and Dr. Ravi Doctor have brought Integrative Oncology training into India training in Mistletoe therapy as part of Integrative Healing. Dr. Seeja , Dr. Sangita Sohi and Dr. Premila are also into integrative healing using Mistletoe therapy. 

Dr. Delna Tarapore has brought Biography training in to India with Karl Heinz, other than being a Mistletoe Certified Physician.

Dr. Wahida Murty is the first Certified Art therapist. Being a Physician she integrates Art as a medium in her healing work. She is instrumental in bringing Art therapy training into India.

Dr. Karthiyayini Mahadevan has taken  Spacial Dynamics as a Movement tool  and getting trained, to bring this unique impulse  into India.

Other Certified Physicians are in their pursuit of bringing this wisdom in various other fields like Nutrition and Movement along with the above tools.

List of Initiatives/ Certified physicians