Events & Trainings

Initiative name: Eurythmy India

Event / Training Name: Five year Part time training in Eurythmy

Event/Training Description: 

Eurythmy India is a five year part-time training program currently running in Mumbai, Hyderabad and Bangalore. Structured around five 10-day modules with ongoing practice meetings in between, the training is ratified by the School of Spiritual Science based at The Goetheanum, Switzerland. We have just graduated our first group of students, with a new group visiting The Goetheanum in June 2023 for their graduation performances. We will be opening for a new intake of students in August 2023 – please do get in touch  at eurythmyindia@yahoo,com if you would like to find out more about the training

Subjects covered include: Speech and Tone eurythmy, study of music and literature, of both eastern and western traditions, Steiner/Waldorf pedagogy, classroom games and technique, speech formation and drama, painting, drawing and sculpture, and anthroposophical study. Each student will pursue two independent research projects during the training. In the event of Covid restrictions being re-enforced, we will move the training online.


Dates: Commences by August 2023 

Contact persons and co-ordinates: